'vec_accelerate' is the function you need.

You can also write your own function. Something like the following:

BOOL vec_move_to(VECTOR *vFrom, VECTOR *vTo, var speed) // It returns TRUE upon arrival, otherway returns FALSE
   VECTOR vRay;
   vec_diff(&vRay, vTo, vFrom); // Get movement ray
   if(abs(vRay.x) + abs(vRay.y) + abs(vRay.z) == 0) // Early return on null rays
      return TRUE;
   var length = vec_length(&vRay); // Get ray length
   var step = abs(speed) * time_step; // Get movement step with negative speed guard
   if(length > step) // If the ray is longer than the step
      vec_scale(&vRay, step / length); // Shorten the ray to the length of the step. WARNING: The result of the division of the factor can be zero on low speeds or high frame rates.
      vec_add(vFrom, &vRay); // Add the result to the origin vector

      return FALSE;
   // Otherway, the ray is shorter or equal to the step
   vec_set(&vFrom, vTo); // Copy vTo into vFrom

   return TRUE;
