Hi, I was testing out the different PlotModes and the only one that shows the new plots correctly is the PL_ALL.

I have attached an image with setf(PlotMode, PL_ALL); (works well) >> pl_all.png

And another one with PL_LONG, PL_ALLTRADES, PL_FINE, PL_DIFF, PL_BENCHMARK and not setting "setf(PlotMode, {whatever PL});" >> pl_rest.png

Does anyone know why this happens? I have been reading https://manual.zorro-project.com/plotmode.htm
And if I do setf(PlotMode,PL_ALL+PL_FINE); works well, im assuming its because it's using PL_ALL.

Attached Files pl_all.pngpl_rest.png
Last edited by 3dvg; 09/17/20 22:09.