Ok !

Some info and a screen about my open world treadmill project.

I wrote a small spreader tool, which spreads grass positions over a 8192x8192 (terrain tile) size. The grass positions initially have a z-position of z=2000 quants above the terrain. A lite-c routine then puts them all down on the terrain surface via tracing down (done with c_trace, there is an example in the GS manual). While all grass positions on the surface are found they are also written into a seperate .dat file. This one then can then be used to create certain surface vegatation (or other stuff like rocks etc.) direcectly from a text .dat file.
The spreader routine checks for double positions, and avoids mdls placed too near to each other or above each other.

Please note, the screenshot you see is from one tile of the treadmill/tile world. All other tiles can be covered with this method also. It's also a very early screenshot and not very perfect concerning graphics.

[Linked Image]

Best wishes !

Wear that mask, keep some distance and live disciplined (although its not easy, I know :-))


Last edited by NeoDumont; 09/19/20 00:37. Reason: wrong pic link, addiit. text