I'm using the Bill Williams fractalHigh series. It works well when a fractal is found - PriceH1FractalHigh[0]. However when I go to access the
previous fractal to the one just found - PriceH1FractalHigh[1] it returns a 0 value. Looking at the code FractalHigh form indicators.c
this makes sense - when a fractal is not found a zero is returned. But as you can imagine this is not ideal, as it makes it difficult to access
the previous fractal high - I have to search through the series until I find the next non-zero value. This is tedious and it feels like a Zorro anti-pattern.

I've attached some code below which illustrates the issue.

Any suggestions on a workaround ?

#define VERBOSE	3

void fractalH1TF() {

  vars PriceH1FractalHigh = series(FractalHigh(series(priceHigh()),3));
  printf("FOUND PriceH1FractalHigh[0] = %.5f  PriceH1FractalHigh[1] = %.5f \n", PriceH1FractalHigh[0], PriceH1FractalHigh[1]);
  plotGraph("HTFFractalHigh", 1, 1.0002*PriceH1FractalHigh[0],TRIANGLE4, 0xE5DEDD);


function run()
  PlotScale = 8;
  Verbose = VERBOSE;

  BarPeriod = 60; //H1

  LookBack = 24;
  StartDate = 20170102;
  EndDate = 20170201;



BW fractal function def taken from indicators.c

var FractalHigh(var* Data,int Period)
	if(Period < 3) return *Data;
	int Center = (Period-1)/2;
	if(MaxIndex(Data,Period) == Center)
		return Data[Center];
	else return 0.;

Last edited by distribution; 10/03/20 13:15.