I use Z12 to trade with GP and use the AssetsGP.csv (I presume this is the asset list for Global Prime). I got the below warnings, how can I fix these warnings, or I can skip these warnings ?

Load AUD/USD prices.. 2109 h, 941 bars added
Warning 054: NAS100 LotAmount 1.0 -> 0.10
Warning 054: NAS100 PIPCost 0.010000 -> 0.001367!
Load NAS100 prices.. 2109 h, 941 bars added
Load SPX500 prices.. 2055 h, 995 bars added
Warning 054: US30 LotAmount 1.0 -> 0.10
Warning 054: US30 MarginCost 263 -> 41!
Warning 054: US30 PIPCost 0.010000 -> 0.001367!
Load US30 prices.. 2107 h, 943 bars added
Warning 054: GER30 LotAmount 1.0 -> 0.10
Warning 054: GER30 MarginCost 143 -> 21!
Warning 054: GER30 PIPCost 0.01170 -> 0.001623!
Load GER30 prices.. 2055 h, 995 bars added
Warning 054: UK100 LotAmount 1.0 -> 0.10
Warning 054: UK100 MarginCost 96 -> 11!
Warning 054: UK100 PIPCost 0.01319 -> 0.001812!