There is some information into

I did some tests some time ago. It is not really hard.

#include <acknex.h>

#define PRAGMA_PATH "models"

// ------------------------------------------------------------

STRING *strT = "";

TEXT *txtGlobal = {
	pos_x = 10;
	pos_y = 10;
	string = ("GLOBAL", "--------------------");
	flags = SHOW;

TEXT *txtObjects = {
	pos_x = 200;
	pos_y = 10;
	string = ("OBJECTS", "--------------------");
	flags = SHOW;

TEXT *txtMaterials = {
	pos_x = 400;
	pos_y = 10;
	string = ("MATERIALS", "--------------------");
	flags = SHOW;

TEXT *txtTextures = {
	pos_x = 600;
	pos_y = 10;
	string = ("TEXTURES", "--------------------");
	flags = SHOW;

TEXT *txtLightmaps = {
	pos_x = 800;
	pos_y = 10;
	string = ("LIGHTMAPS", "--------------------");
	flags = SHOW;

TEXT *txtBlocks = {
	pos_x = 1000;
	pos_y = 10;
	string = ("BLOCKS", "--------------------");
	flags = SHOW;

TEXT *txtPaths = {
	pos_x = 1200;
	pos_y = 10;
	string = ("PATHS", "--------------------");
//	flags = SHOW;

// ------------------------------------------------------------

typedef struct LIST {
	long offset; // offset of the list from the start of the WMB file, in bytes
	long length; // length of the list, in bytes

typedef struct WMB_HEADER {  
	char version[4];        // "WMB7"  
	LIST palettes;          // WMB1..6 only
	LIST legacy1;           // WMB1..6 only
	LIST textures;          // textures list  
	LIST legacy2;           // WMB1..6 only
	LIST pvs;               // BSP only 
	LIST bsp_nodes;         // BSP only 
	LIST materials;         // material names
	LIST legacy3;           // WMB1..6 only
	LIST legacy4;           // WMB1..6 only
	LIST aabb_hulls;        // WMB1..6 only
	LIST bsp_leafs;         // BSP only 
	LIST bsp_blocks;        // BSP only 
	LIST legacy5;           // WMB1..6 only
	LIST legacy6;           // WMB1..6 only
	LIST legacy7;           // WMB1..6 only
	LIST objects;           // entities, paths, sounds, etc.
	LIST lightmaps;         // lightmaps for blocks
	LIST blocks;            // block meshes
	LIST legacy8;           // WMB1..6 only
	LIST lightmaps_terrain; // lightmaps for terrains

typedef struct TEXTURE {  
	char name[16];          // texture name, max. 16 characters  
	long width,height;      // texture size  
	long type;	            // texture type: 5 = 8888 RGBA; 4 = 888 RGB; 2 = 565 RGB; 6 = DDS; +8 = mipmaps
	long legacy[3];         // always 0

typedef struct MATERIAL_INFO {  
	char legacy[44];        // always 0 
	char material[20];      // material name from the script, max. 20 characters

typedef struct LIGHTMAP_TERRAIN {
	long object;            // terrain entity index into the objects list
	long width,height;      // lightmap size

typedef struct BLOCK {  
	float fMins[3];         // bounding box  
	float fMaxs[3];         // bounding box  
	long  lContent;         // always 0  
	long  lNumVerts;        // number of VERTEX structs that follow  
	long  lNumTris;         // number of TRIANGLE structs that follow	
	long  lNumSkins;        // number of SKIN structs that follow

typedef struct VERTEX {  
	float x,y,z;            // position  
	float tu,tv;            // texture coordinates  
	float su,sv;            // lightmap coordinates

typedef struct TRIANGLE {   
	short v1,v2,v3;         // indices into the VERTEX array  
	short skin;             // index into the SKIN array  
	long  unused;           // always 0 

typedef struct SKIN {  
	short texture;          // index into the textures list  
	short lightmap;         // index into the lightmaps list  
	long  material;         // index into the MATERIAL_INFO array  
	float ambient,albedo;  
	long  flags;            // bit 1 = flat (no lightmap), bit 2 = sky, bit 14 = smooth  

typedef struct WMB_INFO {  
	long  type;             // 5 = INFO  
	float origin[3];        // not used  
	float azimuth;          // sun azimuth  
	float elevation;        // sun elevation  
	long  flags;            // always 127 (0x7F)  
	float version;	         // compiler version  
	byte  gamma;            // light level at black  
	byte  LMapSize;         // 0,1,2 for lightmap sizes 256x256, 512x512, or 1024x1024  
	byte  unused[2];  
	DWORD dwSunColor,dwAmbientColor; // color double word, ARGB   
	DWORD dwFogColor[4];

typedef struct WMB_POSITION {  
	long  type;             // 1 = POSITION  
	float origin[3];   
	float angle[3];   
	long  unused[2];  
	char  name[20];

typedef struct WMB_LIGHT {  
	long  type;             // 2 = LIGHT  
	float origin[3];   
	float red,green,blue;   // color in percent, 0..100  
	float range;  
	long  flags;            // 0 = static, 2 = dynamic

typedef struct WMB_SOUND {  
	long  type;             // 4 = Sound  
	float origin[3];   
	float volume;
	float unused[2];  
	long  range;  
	long  flags;            // always 0  
	char  filename[33];

typedef struct WMB_PATH {  
	long  type;	            // 6 = PATH  
	char  name[20];         // Path name  
	float fNumPoints;       // number of nodes  
	long  unused[3];        // always 0  
	long  num_edges;

typedef struct WMB_ENTITY {  
	long  type;             // 7 = ENTITY  
	float origin[3];  
	float angle[3];  
	float scale[3];  
	char  name[33];  
	char  filename[33];  
	char  behavior[33];  
	float skill[20];  
	long  flags;  
	float ambient;  
	float albedo;  
	long  path;             // attached path index, starting with 1, or 0 for no path
	long  entity2;          // attached entity index, starting with 1, or 0 for no attached entity  
	char  material[33];	  
	char  string1[33];  
	char  string2[33];  
	char  unused[33];

typedef struct WMB_OLD_ENTITY {  
	long  type;             // 3 = OLD ENTITY  
	float origin[3];  
	float angle[3];  
	float scale[3];  
	char  name[20];  
	char  filename[13];  
	char  behavior[20];  
	float skill[8];  
	long  flags;  
	float ambient;

typedef struct PATH_EDGE {  
	float fNode1,fNode2;    // node numbers of the edge, starting with 1
	float fLength;  
	float fBezier;  
	float fWeight;  
	float fSkill;

typedef struct BSP_NODE {  
	long   legacy1[2];      // WMB1..6 only  
	short  mins[3];         // bounding box, packed shorts  
	short  maxs[3];  
	long   legacy2;         // WMB1..6 only  
	long   children[2];     // node index when >= 0, -(leaf index + 1) when < 0  
	long   legacy3[2];      // WMB1..6 only

typedef struct BSP_LEAF {  
	long   flags;           // content flags  
	long   pvs;             // PVS offset or -1  
	short  mins[3];         // bounding box, packed shorts  
	short  maxs[3];  
	long   legacy1[2];      // WMB1..6 only  
	long   nbspblock;       // offset into the bsp_blocks list  
	long   numblocks;       // number of bsp_blocks for this leaf

typedef struct BSP_BLOCK {
  long   nblock;           // index of block in the blocks list

// ------------------------------------------------------------

var texFormats[8] = {0, 0, 565, 0, 888, 8888, 0, 0};

typedef struct TX_TEXTURE {
	TEXTURE *texture;
	char name[16];
	BYTE *buffer;
	long bufSize;
	BMAP *bmap;
	long format;
	long mipmaps;
	long width;
	long height;
	PANEL *panel;

typedef struct TX_LIGHTMAP {
 	BYTE *buffer;
 	BMAP *bmap;
	PANEL *panel;

typedef struct TX_TERRAIN_LIGHTMAP {
 	LIGHTMAP_TERRAIN *lightmap_terrain;
 	BYTE *buffer;
 	BMAP *bmap;
	PANEL *panel;

typedef struct TX_OBJECT {
	BYTE *buffer;
	long type;

typedef struct TX_BLOCK {
	BLOCK *block;
	VERTEX *vertex;
	TRIANGLE *tris;
	SKIN *skins;

typedef struct TX_FILE {
	BYTE *buffer;
	long bufSize;
	char version[5];
	long objCount;
	TX_OBJECT *objects;
	TX_OBJECT *info;
	long blkCount;
	TX_BLOCK *blocks;
	long mtlCount;
	MATERIAL_INFO *materials;
	long texCount;
	TX_TEXTURE *textures;
	long lmCount;
	TX_LIGHTMAP *lightmaps;
	//terrain lightmaps
	long tlmCount;
	TX_LIGHTMAP *terrain_lightmaps;

// ------------------------------------------------------------

void load_textures (TX_FILE *_txFile) {
	WMB_HEADER *_header = _txFile->buffer;
	long *_texOffArray = (long*)(_txFile->buffer + _header->textures.offset);
	_txFile->texCount = *_texOffArray;
	str_printf(strT, "Texture count: %d", _txFile->texCount);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, " ");
	_txFile->textures = sys_malloc(sizeof(TX_TEXTURE) * _txFile->texCount);
	TX_TEXTURE *_txTex = _txFile->textures;
	long *_texOff = _texOffArray + 1;
	long _index = 0;
	for(; _index < _txFile->texCount; _index += 1, _texOff += 1, _txTex += 1) {
		_txTex->texture = (TEXTURE*)(((BYTE*)_texOffArray) + *_texOff);
		memcpy(_txTex->name, _txTex->texture->name, 16);
		_txTex->width = _txTex->texture->width;
		_txTex->height = _txTex->texture->height;
		_txTex->mipmaps = 0;
		if(_txTex->texture->type - 8 > 0)
			_txTex->mipmaps = 8;
		_txTex->format = _txTex->texture->type - _txTex->mipmaps;
		if(_txTex->format == 6) {
			str_cpy(strT, _txTex->texture->name);
			str_cat(strT, ".dds");
			_txTex->buffer = _txTex->texture + 1;
			_txTex->bufSize = _txTex->width;
			add_buffer(strT->chars, _txTex->buffer, _txTex->bufSize);
			_txTex->bmap = bmap_create(strT->chars);
			_txTex->width = bmap_width(_txTex->bmap);
			_txTex->height = bmap_height(_txTex->bmap);
			add_buffer(strT->chars, NULL, _txTex->bufSize);
		} else {
			_txTex->bmap = bmap_createblack(_txTex->width, _txTex->height, texFormats[_txTex->format]);
			bmap_lock(_txTex->bmap, 0);
				_txTex->buffer = _txTex->texture + 1;
				_txTex->bufSize = _txTex->width * _txTex->height * _txTex->bmap->finalbytespp;
				memcpy(_txTex->bmap->finalbits, _txTex->buffer, _txTex->bufSize);
		_txTex->panel = pan_create("flags=SHOW", 1);
		_txTex->panel->pos_x = txtTextures->pos_x;
		_txTex->panel->pos_y = 28 + _index * 45;
		_txTex->panel->bmap = _txTex->bmap;
		_txTex->panel->scale_x = 32.0 / (var)_txTex->width;
		_txTex->panel->scale_y = 32.0 / (var)_txTex->height;
		str_printf(strT, "       Name: %s\n       Width:  %d\n       Height: %d\n       Type:   %d + %d", _txTex->name, _txTex->width, _txTex->height, _txTex->format, _txTex->mipmaps);
		txt_addstring(txtTextures, strT);
		txt_addstring(txtTextures, " ");

void load_materials (TX_FILE *_txFile) {
	WMB_HEADER *_header = _txFile->buffer;
	_txFile->materials = _txFile->buffer + _header->materials.offset;
	_txFile->mtlCount = _header->materials.length / sizeof(MATERIAL_INFO);
	str_printf(strT, "Material count: %d", _txFile->mtlCount);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, " ");
	MATERIAL_INFO *_mtl = _txFile->materials;
	long _index = 0;
	for(; _index < _txFile->mtlCount; _index += 1, _mtl += 1) {
		str_printf(strT, "Name: %s", _mtl->material);
		txt_addstring(txtMaterials, strT);
		txt_addstring(txtMaterials, " ");

void load_info (TX_OBJECT *_txObject, WMB_INFO *_info) {
	_txObject->buffer = _info;
	_txObject->type = _info->type;
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, "WMB_INFO");
	str_printf(strT, "Sun azimuth: %.3f", (double)_info->azimuth);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "Sun elevation: %.3f", (double)_info->elevation);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "Gamma: %d", _info->gamma);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	char *_chrCol = &_info->dwSunColor;
	str_printf(strT, "Sun color: %d, %d, %d, %d", *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++));
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "Ambient color: %d, %d, %d, %d", *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++));
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "Fog 1 color: %d, %d, %d, %d", *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++));
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "Fog 2 color: %d, %d, %d, %d", *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++));
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "Fog 3 color: %d, %d, %d, %d", *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++));
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "Fog 4 color: %d, %d, %d, %d", *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++), *(_chrCol++));
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, " ");

void load_position (TX_OBJECT *_txObject, WMB_POSITION *_pos) {
	_txObject->buffer = _pos;
	_txObject->type = _pos->type;
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, "WMB_POSITION");
	str_printf(strT, "Origin: %.3f,%.3f,%.3f", (double)_pos->origin[0], (double)_pos->origin[1], (double)_pos->origin[2]);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, " ");

void load_light (TX_OBJECT *_txObject, WMB_LIGHT *_light) {
	_txObject->buffer = _light;
	_txObject->type = _light->type;
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, "WMB_LIGHT");
	str_printf(strT, "Origin: %.3f,%.3f,%.3f", (double)_light->origin[0], (double)_light->origin[1], (double)_light->origin[2]);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, " ");

void load_sound (TX_OBJECT *_txObject, WMB_SOUND *_sound) {
	_txObject->buffer = _sound;
	_txObject->type = _sound->type;
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, "WMB_SOUND");
	str_printf(strT, "File: %s", _sound->filename);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, " ");

void load_path (TX_OBJECT *_txObject, WMB_PATH *_path) {
	_txObject->buffer = _path;
	_txObject->type = _path->type;
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, "WMB_PATH");
	str_printf(strT, "Name: %s", _path->name);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, " ");

void load_entity (TX_OBJECT *_txObject, WMB_ENTITY *_ent) {
	_txObject->buffer = _ent;
	_txObject->type = _ent->type;
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, "WMB_ENTITY");
	str_printf(strT, "File: %s", _ent->filename);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, " ");

void load_old_entity (TX_OBJECT *_txObject, WMB_OLD_ENTITY *_ent) {
	_txObject->buffer = _ent;
	_txObject->type = _ent->type;
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, "WMB_OLD_ENTITY");
	str_printf(strT, "File: %s", _ent->filename);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtObjects, " ");

void load_objects (TX_FILE *_txFile) {
	WMB_HEADER *_header = _txFile->buffer;
	long *_objOffArray = (long*)(_txFile->buffer + _header->objects.offset);
	_txFile->objCount = *_objOffArray;
	str_printf(strT, "Object count: %d", _txFile->objCount);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, " ");
	_txFile->objects = sys_malloc(sizeof(TX_OBJECT) * _txFile->objCount);
	TX_OBJECT *_txObject = _txFile->objects;
	long *_objOff = _objOffArray + 1;
	long _index = 0;
	for(; _index < _txFile->objCount; _index += 1, _objOff += 1, _txObject += 1) {
		str_printf(strT, "ID: %d", _index);
		txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
		long *_objType = (long*)(((BYTE*)_objOffArray) + *_objOff);
		switch(*_objType) {
			case 1: //WMB_POSITION
				load_position(_txObject, _objType); 
			case 2: //WMB_LIGHT
				load_light(_txObject, _objType); 
			case 3: //WMB_OLD_ENTITY
				load_old_entity(_txObject, _objType); 
			case 4: //WMB_SOUND
				load_sound(_txObject, _objType); 
			case 5: //WMB_INFO
				_txFile->info = _txObject;
				load_info(_txObject, _objType); 
			case 6: //WMB_PATH
				load_path(_txObject, _objType); 
			case 7: //WMB_ENTITY
				load_entity(_txObject, _objType); 
				str_printf(strT, "type: %d", *_objType);
				txt_addstring(txtObjects, strT);
				txt_addstring(txtObjects, " ");

void load_lightmaps (TX_FILE *_txFile) {
	WMB_HEADER *_header = _txFile->buffer;
	long _width = 0;
	WMB_INFO *_info = _txFile->info->buffer;
	switch(_info->LMapSize) {
		case 0: _width = 256; break;  // 196608
		case 1: _width = 512; break;  // 786432
		case 2: _width = 1024; break; // 3145728
	long _size = _width * _width * 3;
	_txFile->lmCount = _header->lightmaps.length / _size;
	str_printf(strT, "Lightmmap count: %d", _txFile->lmCount);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, " ");
	_txFile->lightmaps = sys_malloc(sizeof(TX_LIGHTMAP) * _txFile->lmCount);
	TX_LIGHTMAP *_txLm = _txFile->lightmaps;
	BYTE *_buffer = _txFile->buffer + _header->lightmaps.offset;
	long _index = 0;
	for(; _index < _txFile->lmCount; _index += 1, _txLm += 1, _buffer += _size) {
		_txLm->buffer = _buffer;
		_txLm->bmap = bmap_createblack(_width, _width, 24);
		bmap_lock(_txLm->bmap, 0);
			BYTE *_bits = _txLm->bmap->finalbits;
			BYTE *_pBuf = _txLm->buffer;
			long _y = 0;
			for(; _y < _width; _y += 1) {
				long _x = 0;
				for(; _x < _width; _x += 1, _pBuf += 3, _bits += 4) {
					memcpy(_bits, _pBuf, 3);
					*(_bits + 3) = 255;
		_txLm->panel = pan_create("flags=SHOW", 1);
		_txLm->panel->pos_x = txtLightmaps->pos_x;
		_txLm->panel->pos_y = txtLightmaps->pos_y + txtLightmaps->strings * 9 /*+ _index * 45*/;
		_txLm->panel->bmap = _txLm->bmap;
		_txLm->panel->scale_x = 32.0 / (var)_width;
		_txLm->panel->scale_y = 32.0 / (var)_width;
		str_printf(strT, "       ID: %d", _index);
		txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, strT);
		str_printf(strT, "       Width: %d", _width);
		txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, strT);
		str_printf(strT, "       Height: %d", _width);
		txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, strT);
//		txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, " ");
//		txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, " ");
//		txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, " ");
		txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, " ");
//		while(!key_space) {
//			DEBUG_BMAP(_txLm->bmap, txtLightmaps->pos_x + 160, 1);
//			wait(1);
//		}
//		key_pressed(-1);
//		wait(1);
//	str_printf(strT, "%d\n%d", _header->lightmaps.offset, _header->lightmaps.length);
//	txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, strT);
//	txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, " ");
//	str_printf(strT, "%d", _size);
//	txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, strT);
//	txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, " ");
//	str_printf(strT, "LMapSize: %d", _info->LMapSize);
//	txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, strT);
//	txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, " ");
//	BMAP *_bmp = bmap_createblack(256, 256, 24);
//	var _frm = bmap_lock(_bmp, 0);
//	memcpy(_bmp->finalbits, _lmOffArray, 256*256*3);
//	bmap_unlock(_bmp);
//	while(!key_space) {
//		DEBUG_BMAP(_bmp, 1, 1);
//		wait(1);
//	}

void load_lightmaps_terrain (TX_FILE *_txFile) {
	WMB_HEADER *_header = _txFile->buffer;
	long *_tlmOffArray = (long*)(_txFile->buffer + _header->lightmaps_terrain.offset);
	_txFile->tlmCount = *_tlmOffArray;
	str_printf(strT, "Lightmmap terrain count: %d", _txFile->tlmCount);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, " ");
	txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, " ");
	txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, "TERRAIN LIGHTMAPS");
	txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, "--------------------");
	txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, " ");
	_txFile->terrain_lightmaps = sys_malloc(sizeof(TX_TERRAIN_LIGHTMAP) * _txFile->tlmCount);
	TX_TERRAIN_LIGHTMAP *_txLm = _txFile->terrain_lightmaps;
	BYTE *_buffer = _tlmOffArray + 1;
	long _index = 0;
	for(; _index < _txFile->tlmCount; _index += 1, _txLm += 1) {
		_txLm->lightmap_terrain = _buffer;
		_txLm->buffer = _txLm->lightmap_terrain + 1; //_buffer + sizeof(LIGHTMAP_TERRAIN); //
		long _size = _txLm->lightmap_terrain->width * _txLm->lightmap_terrain->height * 3;
//		if(_index == 1) {
//			_txLm->lightmap_terrain->object = 9;
//		}
		_txLm->bmap = bmap_createblack(_txLm->lightmap_terrain->width, _txLm->lightmap_terrain->height, 24);
		bmap_lock(_txLm->bmap, 0);
			BYTE *_bits = _txLm->bmap->finalbits;
			BYTE *_pBuf = _txLm->buffer;
			long _y = 0;
			for(; _y < _txLm->lightmap_terrain->height; _y += 1) {
				long _x = 0;
				for(; _x < _txLm->lightmap_terrain->width; _x += 1, _pBuf += 3, _bits += 4) {
					memcpy(_bits, _pBuf, 3);
					*(_bits + 3) = 255;
		_txLm->panel = pan_create("flags=SHOW", 1);
		_txLm->panel->pos_x = txtLightmaps->pos_x;
		_txLm->panel->pos_y = txtLightmaps->pos_y + txtLightmaps->strings * 9 /*+ _index * 45*/;
		_txLm->panel->bmap = _txLm->bmap;
		_txLm->panel->scale_x = 32.0 / (var)_txLm->lightmap_terrain->width;
		_txLm->panel->scale_y = 32.0 / (var)_txLm->lightmap_terrain->height;
		str_printf(strT, "       Object ID: %d", _txLm->lightmap_terrain->object);
		txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, strT);
		str_printf(strT, "       Width: %d", _txLm->lightmap_terrain->width);
		txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, strT);
		str_printf(strT, "       Height: %d", _txLm->lightmap_terrain->height);
		txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, strT);
		txt_addstring(txtLightmaps, " ");
		_buffer = _txLm->buffer + _size;
//		while(!key_space) {
//			DEBUG_BMAP(_txLm->bmap, 1, 1);
//			wait(1);
//		}
//		key_pressed(-1);
//		wait(1);

void load_blocks (TX_FILE *_txFile) {
	WMB_HEADER *_header = _txFile->buffer;
	long *_blkOffArray = (long*)(_txFile->buffer + _header->blocks.offset);
	_txFile->blkCount = *_blkOffArray;
	str_printf(strT, "Block count: %d", _txFile->blkCount);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, " ");
	_txFile->blocks = sys_malloc(sizeof(TX_BLOCK) * _txFile->blkCount);
	TX_BLOCK *_txBlock = _txFile->blocks;
	BYTE *_buffer = _blkOffArray + 1;
	long _index = 0;
	for(; _index < _txFile->blkCount; _index += 1, _txBlock += 1) {
		_txBlock->block = _buffer;
		_buffer += sizeof(BLOCK);
		_txBlock->vertex = _buffer;
		_buffer += sizeof(VERTEX) * _txBlock->block->lNumVerts;
		_txBlock->tris = _buffer;
		_buffer += sizeof(TRIANGLE) * _txBlock->block->lNumTris;
		_txBlock->skins = _buffer;
		_buffer += sizeof(SKIN) * _txBlock->block->lNumSkins;
		str_printf(strT, "ID: %d", _index);
		txt_addstring(txtBlocks, strT);
		str_printf(strT, "Vertex: %d", _txBlock->block->lNumVerts);
		txt_addstring(txtBlocks, strT);
		str_printf(strT, "Triangles: %d", _txBlock->block->lNumTris);
		txt_addstring(txtBlocks, strT);
		str_printf(strT, "Skins: %d", _txBlock->block->lNumSkins);
		txt_addstring(txtBlocks, strT);
		txt_addstring(txtBlocks, " ");

TX_FILE *load_level_file (char *_levelName) {
	if(!file_exists(_levelName)) {
		printf("file not found\n%s", _levelName);
		return NULL;
	// main data struct
	TX_FILE *_txFile = sys_malloc(sizeof(TX_FILE));
	memset(_txFile, 0, sizeof(TX_FILE));
	// open file
	_txFile->buffer = file_load(_levelName, NULL, &_txFile->bufSize);
	// header
	WMB_HEADER *_header = _txFile->buffer;
	// version
	memcpy(_txFile->version, _header->version, 4);
	_txFile->version[4] = NULL;
	str_printf(strT, "Format version: %s", _txFile->version);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, " ");
	if(_txFile->version[3] != 55) {
		txt_addstring(txtGlobal, "wrong wmb version");
		return _txFile;
	// objects
	// blocks
	// materials
	// textures
	// lightmaps
	// lightmaps terrain
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, "--------------------");
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, " ");
	str_printf(strT, "objects:    %d - %d", _header->objects.offset, _header->objects.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "legacy7:    %d - %d", _header->legacy7.offset, _header->legacy7.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "legacy1:    %d - %d", _header->legacy1.offset, _header->legacy1.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "blocks:     %d - %d", _header->blocks.offset, _header->blocks.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "materials:  %d - %d", _header->materials.offset, _header->materials.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "textures:   %d - %d", _header->textures.offset, _header->textures.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "palettes:   %d - %d", _header->palettes.offset, _header->palettes.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "lightmaps:  %d - %d", _header->lightmaps.offset, _header->lightmaps.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "terrain lm: %d - %d", _header->lightmaps_terrain.offset, _header->lightmaps_terrain.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "bsp_leafs:  %d - %d", _header->bsp_leafs.offset, _header->bsp_leafs.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "bsp_nodes:  %d - %d", _header->bsp_nodes.offset, _header->bsp_nodes.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "aabb_hulls: %d - %d", _header->aabb_hulls.offset, _header->aabb_hulls.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "bsp_blocks: %d - %d", _header->bsp_blocks.offset, _header->bsp_blocks.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "pvs:        %d - %d", _header->pvs.offset, _header->pvs.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "            %d", _header->pvs.offset + _header->pvs.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);

	str_printf(strT, "legacy2:    %d - %d", _header->legacy2.offset, _header->legacy2.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "legacy3:    %d - %d", _header->legacy3.offset, _header->legacy3.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "legacy4:    %d - %d", _header->legacy4.offset, _header->legacy4.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "legacy5:    %d - %d", _header->legacy5.offset, _header->legacy5.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "legacy6:    %d - %d", _header->legacy6.offset, _header->legacy6.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	str_printf(strT, "legacy8:    %d - %d", _header->legacy8.offset, _header->legacy8.length);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, strT);
	txt_addstring(txtGlobal, " ");
	return _txFile;

void txFile_remove (TX_FILE *_txFile) {
//	TX_TEXTURE *_txTex = _txFile->textures;
//	long _index = 0;
//	for(; _index<_txFile->texCount; _index+=1, _txTex+=1) {
//		pan_remove(_txTex->panel);
//		bmap_remove(_txTex->bmap);
//	}
//	sys_free(_txFile->textures);
	file_load(NULL, _txFile->buffer, &_txFile->bufSize);

void main () {
	video_mode = 10;
	on_esc = NULL;
	camera->bg = pixel_for_vec(vector(0,0,0), 100, 888);
	TX_FILE *_txFile = load_level_file("scene.wmb");
	while(!key_esc) {
	file_save("scene_mod.wmb", _txFile->buffer, _txFile->bufSize);

Have fun!

Last edited by txesmi; 12/31/20 07:54.