FAQ: compare the time in format WDATE ... don't use!
Is better to know... laugh

 //Wed 20-04-01 16:00 == unixtime 1585756800
 string GetTest(){
       return strf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d", 2020,04,01,16,0);

// --------------------------- Main-----------------------------
function main() {
	string cTest;
	cTest = GetTest();
	var dwDate=wdatef("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", cTest);	 
	printf("\ndwDate = %f",dwDate);
	cTest = strf("%d",utm(dwDate));

	var duDate=wdatef("%t",cTest);

	printf("\ndw: %f  du: %f",dwDate,duDate);
	printf("\nW: %d U: %d",utm(dwDate),utm(duDate));

	if (duDate == dwDate)
		printf("\nwdate is OK");
	if( utm(duDate) == utm(dwDate))
		printf("\nCompare with convert to UnixTime is OK");


output is:

test compiling............... ok

dwDate = 43922.666667
dw: 43922.666667  du: 43922.666667
W: 1585756800 U: 1585756800
Compare with convert to UnixTime is OK

Last edited by Grat; 02/02/21 09:02.