Originally Posted by jcl

HistoryFolder sets the history folder, not the z.ini folder.

Naturally. I have reported that the changes have been done only on the settings of HistoryFolder and StreategyFolder.
Z systems ( I have tested the z9) should read the z.ini in the folder set with the StrategyFolder, not the standard one.

Originally Posted by jcl

You can have the asset.csv files for your scripts in any folder. For this just add the path to the file name in assetHistory(). You can store script assigned paths in some global file.

Correct, but if you have multiple PC and a cloud reposition this may lead to maintain several version of the same script because the shared directory may not correspond at the same path in different PC.
Having a Zorro's directory structure fully customizable allow to store all the settings in the ZorroFix.ini and forget it. Not a must have, but a nice to have