it appears Zorro's API integration with Oanda is broken. likely because it can't/isn't following redirects
one can run zorro -diag to get diagnostic info
Zorro Diag.txt
script compiling............................
Load 0 D:\Zorro\Zorro_FX\Plugin\Oanda.dll
Login Oanda V20 0->2
Login 0 Oanda V20..
HTTP:,(null),Authorization: Bearer CORRECT-API-KEY
!invalid access token? : 0 1399.663600 ms
Can't connect!
Close files

I can connect to oanda via APIs using curl and it works fine. It appears Oanda to returning HTTP redirects for the APIs.

Happens in v 2.30 and 2.35 beta.

Are Zorro folks/developers seeing messages in this forum OR how to contact them to fix it?