AlpacaZorroPlugin v1.0.0 released.

- Introduced ZorroWebsocketProxy so that multiple ZorroS instances can share one Websocket connection
**NOTE** ZorroWebsocketProxy adopts a lock-free design which spins on one CPU core. High CPU usage is normal and expected.

- Added Alpaca MarketData V2 Websocket support
- Las trade and last quote are directly from WebSocket stream. This is dramatically reduced Zorro API query.
- if last trade or last quote update have not received yet, the plugin will pull last trade and quote from V1 endpoint.

- Added Alpaca plugin specific setting to Zorro.ini or ZorroFix.ini file.
- AlpacaDataSource = 1 // 0 = Alpaca, 1 = Polygon
- AlpacaPaidDataPlan = 1 // 0 = False, 1 = True
- AlpacaLogLevel = 0 // 0 = OFF, 1 = ERROR, 2 = WARNING, 3 = INFO, 4 = DEBUG, 5 = TRACE
- PolygonApiKey = "*************" // Polygon ApiKey
please refer to the for details.

- Historical bars are still retrieved from V1 endpoint because V2 Historical Bars are not ready yet.

- Polygon MarketData is still supported, but the ApiKey has moved into Zorro config file.
NOTE: Polygon free plan can't be used as alternative market data source due to lack of last trade and last quote data.