
Now you can finally install Keras, with the commands devtools::install_github("rstudio/keras") - library('keras') - install_keras().

after i followed the above line and any prior lines which is in manual (https://manual.zorro-project.com/deeplearning.htm)
installation started and finally at the end i got a msg saying that
Error in devtools::install_github("rstudio/keras") - library("keras") :
non-numeric argument to binary operator
in RStudio

screenshot of the error is attached to this post.

Would you please tell me how to correct this?
I tried running the deeplearning script in strategy in Zorro got error,

screen shot of zorro is attached.

Thank you .

Attached Files rstudioConsoleError.jpgzorrokeras and r error.jpg
Last edited by billg; 03/20/21 02:23.