Many thanks to you Hast! Now it is working but it shows a several warnings like this:
Subscribe USD/JPY
Warning 054: USD/JPY LotAmount 1.0 -> 1000
Warning 054: USD/JPY MarginCost 25 -> 2.5!
Warning 054: USD/JPY PIPCost 0.01000 -> 0.09039!
Load USD/JPY prices.. 733+167 h
Subscribe EUR/CHF
Warning 054: EUR/CHF LotAmount 1.0 -> 1000
Warning 054: EUR/CHF PIPCost 0.01000 -> 0.1062!
Load EUR/CHF prices.. 733+10 h
Subscribe GBP/USD
Warning 054: GBP/USD LotAmount 1.0 -> 1000
Warning 054: GBP/USD MarginCost 25 -> 4.0!
Warning 054: GBP/USD PIPCost 0.01000 -> 0.1000!
Load GBP/USD prices.. 733+168 h
V 2.359 on Fri 21-04-02 10:06:35 (Zorro S Subscription)

Should I do some thing to fix them or ignore them? Look forward to your reply, thanks a lot!