
For attaching videos, I would recommend (f.e.) using youtube. If you use platforms such as youtube, other users will be confident that content is safe (no viruses, etc).
As for sharing the code, you can simply use code tags:

[.code] // code here [./code] (don't forget to remove dots).

As for the error 'load_level is undeclared', maybe it's a typo in your message, but it's visaversa -> 'level_load (STRING* filename);'
Another thing to mention is, that if you don't include acknex header into your project, sometimes it won't recognize acknex function (#include <acknex.h> at the top).

Here is a small example:
#include <acknex.h> // include acknex header

void main()
	fps_max = 60; // set fps limit
	warn_level = 6; // show all errors
	// initialize video device
	video_mode = 7;
	video_switch(video_mode, 0, 0);
	// empty level
	// loop untill 'esc' is pressed
		// draw 'hello world' at x = 10 y = 10 pixel position with white color
		draw_text("hello world!", 10, 10, COLOR_WHITE);
		// wait one frame, then repeat
	// exit the game when we break from the loop

Best regards!

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