This means that for every frame in which the health taker is less than 200 quants from the player, it will subract 2*time_step from player_health.

To limit the amount you would need to add a limit, and a cool down period.
So inside of "health_taker" you could initialize two variables:
var target_health = 0; 
var cool_down = 0;

So, when the player gets too close, first you will assign target_health like this:

if(cool_down == 0)
cool_down = 10;
target_health = player_health - 10;

Then you can say:
if(player_health > target_health)
player_health -= 2 * time_step;
player_health = target_health;//so it does not go below the target health

Finally, add the timer script after all this, but before the wait(1);
if(cool_down > 0)
cool_down -= .5 * time_step;//play with this number ... .5 might be too fast or too slow
cool_down = 0;//now it's ready to do damage again

Last edited by Dooley; 06/08/21 00:09.