Dooley was faster than me grin
But if it's ok, I would like to share my 2 cents too.

Here is a commented code (you can simply run it to see how it works):
var player_health = 100;

action health_taker()
	while(!player){ wait(1); }
	int touching = false;
	var touching_counter = 0;
	while(my) // never create endless loops !
		if(vec_dist(player.x, my.x) < 200) // if we are close enough?
			if(touching == false) // and we yet can do damage to player ?
				player_health -= 10; // take 10 health points from player
				touching = true; // make sure that if statement is going to be false in next loop
				// so we wouldn't take any more health points !
			// if you need to take player's health, let's say 10 points each second
			// you can reset 'touching' to false each 1 second
			touching_counter += time_frame / 16;
			if(touching_counter >= 1)
				touching = false;
				touching_counter -= 1;
		else // far enough ?
			if(touching == true) // and we previosly touched player ?
				touching = false; // reset touching switch

action player_controller()
	player = my;
		if(player_health <= 0)

void main()
	fps_max = 60;
	warn_level = 6;
	ent_create(CUBE_MDL, vector(128, 32, 0), health_taker);
	ent_create(SPHERE_MDL, vector(128, -32, 0), player_controller);
		DEBUG_VAR(player_health, 0);
There are few thing that I would like to mention.

Firstly this code (same as your original one) doesn't take into account 'touching' between 'health_taker' entity and 'player' entity. It only checks if they are close enough to eachother. To check for touching, I would recommend looking into events. F.e. EVENT_IMPACT or EVENT_ENTITY. But checking for distance might be better way (just keep the distance small enough, so enemies f.e. won't cause damage though walls).

Secondly I would recommend not to use 'player' pointer at all. Because if player pointer will be invalid (f.e. after removing him with safe_remove macros), your 'health_taker' entities will crash/cause errors. As as simpliest workaround, I would use global vector, which will be changed to player's position at the end of the player's main loop (where you move the player) and then, in 'health_taker' action, I would check for distance between that global vector and health_taker's position.

Best regards!

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