Thanks @jcl. Well, I now know what happened. I made a mistake (no surprise there frown ), Zorro's message of closing 1 lot is in error and misdirected the investigation, and I would appreciate your help in how best to proceed.

Mistake: After determining I could successfully create a trd with the AlgoVars removed, in my exuberance I didn't double-check close enough and converted an old trd. Consequently, when Z12 finally was able to start, it was presented with an old trade list.

Message: Z12 startup resumed all the virtual trades and checked the real trades against the broker. Real trades found were resumed. Real trades not found were correctly listed as closed - but rather than printing the lots of those Real trades, Zorro printed "1", which I believe is a bug.

Help: Zorro is now running with a list of virtual trades that no longer match reality, since it's lost the intelligence of what happened to those trades in the interim. What to do? I suspect the response will be to close all trades in the broker interface and let Z12 start over; but are there any other choices to consider?
