Hello friends, i use the script csvtohistory to convert csv files to t6 files, it is working great for forex data from histdata or crypto data from the binance api, now i decided to test data from another api for us intraday stocks, when i downlaod the data into a csv file and i enter the correct string format in the csvtohistory script i get this message as a result of the convertion :

2733173 lines read

but when i try to open the file it's not working i get this message error :
Chart compiling.......... t6 AAPL.US_historynew
Error 047: No bars to plot

what i did so far to make things work but with no luck :

1) i test with this five string format :
string Format = "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S;f3;f1;f2;f4;f6";
string Format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S;f3;f1;f2;f4;f6";
string Format = "-%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S;f3;f1;f2;f4;f6";
string Format = "+-%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S;f3;f1;f2;f4;f6";
string Format = "-+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S;f3;f1;f2;f4;f6";

2) i added the symbol 'AAPL.US_historynew' to assetsfix.csv

3) i checked the order of the lines in the history file to see if there is any thing wrong in the time and date, but my python script returned that the order is 100% correct there is no problem related to time not being in consecutive order

after strugling for this for roughly 3 days, i ask the community for help, thank's in advance