What is this good for?

I manage data from different assets in R and wanted to reference this data by asset name.
So when I want something from R, I must pass a numerical vector but also the information which asset I want to work with.

I could have done it like this:

1. Step: Pass the asset string with Rx()
2. Step: Pass the numerical data with Rv()

As the R-Bridge is painfully slow, I wanted to reduce this into one single call. This is my solution:

#ifndef <r.h>
	#include <r.h>

int maxstr2int = 0; //

//works just like stridx() but pushes the strings to the R session as well:
int str2int(string mystring)
	mystring = strx(mystring,"/",""); //I think getting rid of "/" is always a good idea
	int index = stridx(mystring)+1; //+1 because the first element in a vector in R has index 1, while in C it has index 0
	if(maxstr2int == 0) Rx("Zstrings <- c()"); //create Zstrings Vector in R (it doesn't exist yet if maxstr2int == 0)
	if(index > maxstr2int)
		maxstr2int = index;
		string Rstring = strf("Zstrings[%d] <- '%s'", index, mystring);
	return index-1; //By subtracting 1, we get the same return value as with stridx() 

function run() 
	if(!Rstart("", 3))
		print(TO_ANY, "\nError - could not start R session!");
	while(asset(loop("AUD/JPY","EUR/GBP","GBP/CHF","USD/CHF"))) //just some assets as strings. This will work with any sting (up to 1000 characters)
		int index = str2int(Asset);
		//Access the Strings in R:
		string Rstring = strf("print(paste('String in R:', Zstrings[%d]))", str2int(Asset)+1); //Error when directly passed to Rx()
		printf("\nString in C: %s - Below should be the same:", strxid(str2int(Asset)));
		Rx(Rstring, 3);
		wait(5000); //Output way out of sync, if we continue too fast. You should really use DebugView when you code hybrid scripts with R

Last edited by Smon; 07/17/21 19:03.