2 Pole Butterworth filter


The Butterworth filter is a type of signal processing filter designed to have a frequency response as flat as possible in the passband. It is also referred to as a maximally flat magnitude filter.

Properties of the Butterworth filter are:
- monotonic amplitude response in both passband and stopband
- Quick roll-off around the cutoff frequency, which improves with increasing order
- Considerable overshoot and ringing in step response, which worsens with increasing order
- Slightly non-linear phase response
- Group delay largely frequency-dependent

#include <profile.c>

var Butterworth2Pole(var* Data, int Period)
	var a = exp(-1.414*PI/Period);
	var b = 2*a*cos(1.414*1.25*180/Period);
	var c2 = b;
	var c3 = -a*a;
	var c1 = 1-c2-c3;
	var* Filt = series(*Data,3);
	// syntax error? TODO: check what happened w/ SETSERIES
	//	SETSERIES(Data,0);
	series(Data[0],0); // is that an equivalent?
	return Filt[0] = c1*Data[0] + c2*Filt[1] + c3*Filt[2];

function run()
	BarPeriod = 1;
	LookBack = 100;
	StartDate = 20210702;
	EndDate = 20210816;

	vars seriesClose = series(priceClose());

	var sma = SMA(seriesClose, 5);
	var butt = Butterworth2Pole(seriesClose, 5);
	var butt3Pole = Butterworth(seriesClose, 5);
	plot("SMA 5", sma, MAIN, SILVER);
	plot("2 Pole Butt", butt, MAIN, RED);
	plot("3 Pole Butt", butt3Pole, MAIN, BLUE);

[Linked Image]
[Linked Image]

Last edited by Lapsa; 08/18/21 11:59.