Hi @kzhao,

I've been trying to follow this part of your docs:

Generate AssetList file through custom borkerCommand

brokerCommand(2001, char *symbols);

symbols - One or more symbols separated by comma. If symbols = 0, all symbols will be included. An AssetAlpaca.csv file will be generated in the Log diredtory.

// GenerateAlpacaAssetList.c
function main() {
  brokerCommand(2001, "SPY,AAPL,MSFT,TSLA");  // Generate AssetsAlpaca.csv contains SPY, AAPL, MSFT, TSLA symbols

The example works, but only when using Websocket. It doesn't work over REST - is it supposed to work over REST too?

Also, I can't get "symbols = 0" to return anything. "brokerCommand(2001, 0);" just returns the header.

And, what exactly will "all symbols" be? What's in AssetsFix.csv? Everything known to Alpaca?! laugh
