Thanks @jcl. Actually, I don't consider the b-word dirty - finding (& fixing) bugs is a good thing...

And... the b-word can also apply to the manual. The PriceJump & Outlier page could use some fixes. Examples:

- The PriceJump section should explicitly say splits are ONLY detected by default for certain BarPeriods.
- The PriceJump section should say to detect splits Outlier must be explicitly set 0<Outlier<2.
- The PriceJump section should give guidance as to how the user would select a specific value in 0<Outlier<2.
- The Outlier section should say why the default of "1.1+2*sqrt(BarPeriod/1440)" was chosen, including why it should be dependent on BarPeriod.

In any case, given I now understand better how this is supposed to work, I would still appreciate clarification of the 3rd item above:

How do I determine what value between >0 and <2 to use for Outlier to best detect splits in EOD data?!

Or are splits ALWAYS detected if 0<Outlier<2, and setting Outlier to 1.999999 will suppress all other outlier detection & data changes?
