I am not using the time of tmf entry per se. I am using prices, spread,etc at the time of enterLong/Short to dynamically adjust TradeEntryLimit.

For this, I assume//rely on that a tmf is entered into at the time of enterLong/Short, at least at the next available tick.

The manual states that "Since a TMF runs at every tick, it has access to the most recent price quote" and in ALL prior versions this has been the case (I relied on this and 100% sure of this).

Now, this is what happens in 2.42.4 ( if you comment out OrderDelay):
[151: Tue 21-01-12 10:00] (1.21624)
(EUR/USD::L) Long 1@1.21604 Entry limit
(EUR/USD::L) Entry limit 1.21604 hit at 1.21599 10:08:00
time= 1008
[EUR/USD::L15202] Long 1@1.21615 x at 10:08:00
time= 1009
i.e. a TMF is not entered at all until the Entry limit is hit!

With this, adjustments to TradeEntryLimit while a TradeIsPending are impossible; one can now only manage Exits with the tmf, but not micro-manage Entries.

This could hardly be the intention.

Last edited by Zheka; 10/13/21 17:26.