Originally Posted by 3run
Originally Posted by manual
a flag is set by or-ing the flags parameter with the flag (text.flags |= SHOW;) and reset by and-ing the flags parameter with the inverse flag (text.flags &= ~SHOW;).
So you could do:
retention_name_txt.flags &= ~WWRAP; // to reset
retention_name_txt.flags |= WWRAP; // to set
Also, you could check for the length on the string with str_len.

But I would personally use imgui for this purposes, cause it's very simple and easy to use + offers much more than acknex panels/texts has.
You can find it here:
Imgui Lite-C Development

Best regards.

Hi 3run,

Thank you for replying. I'll try the flag method you said. But IMGUI looks really nice. What I want is to create a text box that supports multi-line typing and let the user type in this field. On the other hand, I don't know how to integrate IMGUI's textbox feature into my own project.