This is mentioned in the manual and I tried it. Unfortunately, priceSet() will then not work.

@Spirit: !!EUR/USD does not work. Probably a bug because EUR/USD!! correctly recognizes SymbolTrade as EUR/USD and ! EUR/USD ! correctly gives SymbolLive as EUR/USD, but with !!EUR/USD - all 3 Symbolxx are just USD.

Symbol - Symbol(s) of the asset. Up to 3 sources and symbols can be entered for trading, live prices, and historical prices, separated by '!' exclamation marks (!trade!live!history).
seems incorrect: there should be no ! prior to the very first symbol

If several symbols are used and one of them is blank or empty (f.i. "AAPL! !"), the prices of that asset are not downloaded or retrieved from the broker. This can be used in special cases when no market data was subscribed or prices are retrieved by other means, f.i. with the assetHistory or priceQuote functions.
So, is it several or one (as in the example)?