function run() 
	BarPeriod = 15;
	vars Prices = series(price());

Login 0 BinanceFutures..
!Connecting to wss://
!8 BTC futures detected
!430 BTC options detected
!8 ETH futures detected
!484 ETH options detected
!Deribit BTC/USD index: 41467.21
!Deribit ETH/USD index: 3005.82
!Using kh762 main: kh762
!BTC balance: 0.0000000000 (0.00 USD)
!BTC equity: 0.0000000000 (0.00 USD)
!ETH balance: 0.0000000000 (0.00 USD)
!ETH equity: 0.0000000000 (0.00 USD) at UTC 02-05 08:25
Subscribe BTC
Error 053: BTC unavailable at this time
V 2.444 on Sat 22-02-05 09:25:09 (Zorro S Subscription)
Error 047: No bars generated
Logout.. ok

Deribit has 4 types of symbols: Index, Perpetual Futures, Futures, and Options.

Index: Coin name, either "BTC" or "ETH".
Perpetual Futures: [Coin]-PERPETUAL, e.g. "ETH-PERPETUAL".
Futures: [Coin]-DDMMMYY, where MMM is a 3-letter capitalized string, e.g. "BTC-26MAR21".
Options: [Coin]-DDMMMYY-[Strike]-[P/C], e.g. "ETH-25JUN21-340-C".
For options and futures, the contract functions can be used with "BTC" or "ETH" as the underlying.

Could someone please bump me in the right direction?