EndWeek=1700 ends the week at 1600. Is that expected?

While the tick of 1700 - very technically - is indeed the start of the new hour, that's in conflict even with Zorro's convention on "time spans": 17:00(00!) is assumed to be the "end" time for the bar - "up to and including", not the beginning.

Then why would a bar spanning 11:00pm - 12:00 pm be considered part of the next day??

Is time treatment for AssetMarketEnd similar to EndWeek?

If yes, then "EST: 0930-1600" is a misleading example you give in the manual - this would skip a most crucial BarPeriod of a trading day.

Coming back to the OP: will there be a investigation/fix for how AssetMarket/ BR_ASSET functionality work with several assets?
Besides inconsistent "market closes"/series shifting, trades also trigger in "off-market" hours...