I'm having trouble loading my t6 file, it has 1 hour data that I converted from CSV using the CSVtoHistory script. This is my script:
void main() {
    BarPeriod = 60;
    // StartDate = "2011-08-18";
    History = "History\\*_1h.t6";

void run() {
    vars Prices = series(price());

First I just want to plot my BTC 1hour data, and once I can do that, I want to try some analysis. But I can't even get the price chart to come up. I can't figure out what Zorro wants from me.

Here's Zorro's output when I run the script:
Warning 034: BTCUSD not in asset list
Error 047: BTCUSD no 2017 history (History\BTCUSD.t6)
Error 047: BTCUSD 2017..2022 no data
Error 047: No bars generated
Error 047: No bars to plot

So given this unhelpful error message, I thought I should try setting the StartDate value, which you can see is commented out in my code. If I uncomment and run, Zorro crashes.

I'm a little frustrated. Could somebody tell me what I need to do to tell Zorro to use my t6 file?