I set my EditorPath value in Zorro.ini to my VS Code path, and everything seems to just work, however there's still an issue. I'd like to be able to open the entire Zorro directory in VS Code so I can open multiple files from the file explorer sidebar, but when I open either the Zorro root folder, or Zorro/Strategy, VS Code shows errors. I've tried adding
#include <default.c>
to the top of my file, as I saw another poster claimed having success with this, but for me, I have an error on every line that ends with a
, and the message says
too few arguments in function call C/C++ (165)

Does anyone know how to configure VS Code for Zorro? I'm not a C developer, and a lot of the links I'm seeing claim that the same methods of configuring Visual Studio for C/C++, work for VS Code, but I don't know what those configuration steps would be, Zorro or otherwise.