Indeed your script works. Thank you so much for your help. Provides a fresh perspective of the thought process for Zorro.

The script I am using for conversion is the inbuilt CSVToHistory.c available from the Script dropdown on Zorro UI. The lines that I edited are to uncomment #define SPLIT_YEARS and the string Format for my CSV. Here is the entire script

// Convert price history from .csv to .t6
// The Format string determines the CSV format (see examples)

#define SPLIT_YEARS	// split into separate years
//#define FIX_ZONE	-1 // add a time zone difference, f.i. for converting CST -> EST

/* T6 Target format:
	DATE	time;	
	float fHigh, fLow;	// f1,f2
	float fOpen, fClose;	// f3,f4	
	float fVal, fVol;		// f5,f6

// HISTDATA line format: "20100103 170000;1.430100;1.430400;1.430100;1.430400;0"
//string Format = "+%Y%m%d %H%M%S;f3;f1;f2;f4";

// YAHOO line format "2015-05-29,43.45,43.59,42.81,42.94,10901500,42.94"
//string Format = "%Y-%m-%d,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6,f5"; // unadjusted

// TRADESTATION line format "06/30/2016,17:00:00,2086.50,2086.50,2086.50,2086.50,319,0"
//string Format = "+%m/%d/%Y,%H:%M:%S,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6,f5";

// STK line format "12/23/2016,2300.00,SPY, 225.63, 225.68, 225.72, 225.62,1148991"
//string Format = "+-%m/%d/%Y,%H%M,,f3,f4,f1,f2,f6";

// CHRIS_ICE line format: Date,Open,High,Low,Settle,Change,Wave,Volume,...
// 2020-04-08,10.34,10.46,10.22,10.37,-0.01,10.32,54520.0,268936.0,4008.0,50.0,500.0
//string Format = "%Y-%m-%d,f3,f1,f2,f4,,,f6";

// MKTS Daily line format: Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume
// 02/28/2020,108.4,110,107.475,107.575,44239
string Format = "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6";

function main()
	string InName = file_select("History","CSV file\0*.csv\0\0");
	if(!InName) return quit("No file"); 
	int Records = dataParse(1,Format,InName);
	printf("\n%d lines read",Records);
#ifdef FIX_ZONE
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<Records; i++)
	string OutName = strx(InName,".csv",".t6");
	if(Records) dataSave(1,OutName);
	int i, Start = 0, Year, LastYear = 0;
	for(i=0; i<Records; i++) {
		Year = atoi(strdate("%Y",dataVar(1,i,0)));
		if(!LastYear) LastYear = Year;
		if(i == Records-1) { // end of file
			LastYear = Year; Year = 0;
		if(Year != LastYear) {
			string OutName = strf("%s_%4i.t6",strxc(InName,'.',0),LastYear);
			Start = i;
			LastYear = Year;

On closer inspection the dataParse function which uses the Format string is same in your script and CSVToHistory.c. The difference lies in the way data is saved.

Interestingly, if I comment out the #define SPLIT_YEARS to produce a single 63MOONS_eod.t6 file then the first row 2006-11-02 is available. Commenting out and uncommenting both read 3815 lines; thus dataParse does its job correctly. dataSave in case of a single t6 file does its job correctly.

The issue is when I want t6 files split into separate years which is
.Now on further debugging through printf I diagnosed the problematic variable to be i therefore I modified the CSVToHistory.c script to add a line and end my woes.

This is the final script that I am using. I do not know whether what I have done is blasphemy according to Zorro standards but it works for my case. Thank Almighty I do not have to panda through 1900 files.

// Convert price history from .csv to .t6
// The Format string determines the CSV format (see examples)

#define SPLIT_YEARS	// split into separate years
//#define FIX_ZONE	-1 // add a time zone difference, f.i. for converting CST -> EST

/* T6 Target format:
	DATE	time;	
	float fHigh, fLow;	// f1,f2
	float fOpen, fClose;	// f3,f4	
	float fVal, fVol;		// f5,f6

// HISTDATA line format: "20100103 170000;1.430100;1.430400;1.430100;1.430400;0"
//string Format = "+%Y%m%d %H%M%S;f3;f1;f2;f4";

// YAHOO line format "2015-05-29,43.45,43.59,42.81,42.94,10901500,42.94"
//string Format = "%Y-%m-%d,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6,f5"; // unadjusted

// TRADESTATION line format "06/30/2016,17:00:00,2086.50,2086.50,2086.50,2086.50,319,0"
//string Format = "+%m/%d/%Y,%H:%M:%S,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6,f5";

// STK line format "12/23/2016,2300.00,SPY, 225.63, 225.68, 225.72, 225.62,1148991"
//string Format = "+-%m/%d/%Y,%H%M,,f3,f4,f1,f2,f6";

// CHRIS_ICE line format: Date,Open,High,Low,Settle,Change,Wave,Volume,...
// 2020-04-08,10.34,10.46,10.22,10.37,-0.01,10.32,54520.0,268936.0,4008.0,50.0,500.0
//string Format = "%Y-%m-%d,f3,f1,f2,f4,,,f6";

// MKTS Daily line format: Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume
// 02/28/2020,108.4,110,107.475,107.575,44239
string Format = "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6";

function main()
	string InName = file_select("History","CSV file\0*.csv\0\0");
	if(!InName) return quit("No file"); 
	int Records = dataParse(1,Format,InName);
	printf("\n%d lines read",Records);
#ifdef FIX_ZONE
	int i;
	for(i=0; i<Records; i++)
	string OutName = strx(InName,".csv",".t6");
	if(Records) dataSave(1,OutName);
	int i, Start = 0, Year, LastYear = 0;
	for(i=0; i<Records; i++) {
		Year = atoi(strdate("%Y",dataVar(1,i,0)));
		if(!LastYear) LastYear = Year;
		if(i == Records-1) { // end of file
			LastYear = Year; Year = 0;
		if(Year != LastYear) {
			string OutName = strf("%s_%4i.t6",strxc(InName,'.',0),LastYear);
			printf("\n i %i",i);
			printf("\n Start %i",Start);
			printf("\n i-Start %i",i-Start);
			if(Year == 0){
				i +=1; 
			Start = i;
			LastYear = Year;

Well I just cannot wait to get a real debugger on the Zorro editor experience. Gamestop editor SED has it; then what about Zorro.

Can I read the source of the inbuilt functions in Zorro to see what they are doing like dataSave, dataSaveCSV, atoi etc?

The ability to set Breakpoints and Single Step watching the variables change values would cure my Sorrow oh dear Zorro.

Last edited by HamzaAhmed; 05/01/22 10:42. Reason: Typographical Fix