Hi @jcl. Sorry for the necro-post, but these errors have begun again. As before, neither Oanda nor Black Box are any help. The errors show only in the log, not in diag.txt, in neither case with any additional information. Example errors are:

!Trade not found - v3/accounts/xxx-xxx-xxxxxxx-xxx/trades/xxxx


!Trade not open - xxxx
!Result: <html>
<head><title>524 Origin Time-out</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>524 Origin Time-out</h1></center>

While the "cloudflare" reference points to a security change on Oanda's side, I don't expect you have any more insight than before. Rather, I'd like to suggest/request that when a plugin posts an error, it also post the Broker command(s)/interaction that precedes the error.
