Thank you MT - the example below seems to run but with no effect as the control panel on the EOD site shows no API hit.

// Download and plot AAPL prices from EOD
function run()
BarPeriod = 1440;

INI file

// Zorro must be restarted after changing these settings
Mute = 0 // 1 = disable trading sounds
Comma = 0 // 1 = decimal comma and semicolon delimiter for exported .csv files
AutoCompile = 0 // 0 = compile always, 1 = compile only modified scripts
AutoConfirm = 0 // 1 = don't ask "Close open trades?", and leave them open
Security = 0 // 1 = don't store password, 2 = don't store user name
CleanLogs = 30 // delete logs older than 30 days, 0 = disable
CleanData = 0 // delete data files older than n days, 0 = disable
WebFolder = "Log" // for the trade status page, f.i. "C:\inetpub\wwwroot" for IIS
RTermPath = "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.5.0\bin\x64\RTerm.exe" // path to the R language terminal
PythonPath = "" // path to the Python installation, f.i. "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32"
EditorPath = "Notepad++\Notepad++.exe" // path to the script editor
ViewerPath = "ZView.exe" // path to the .png image viewer
HistoryFolder = "History" // folder with the price history files
StrategyFolder = "Strategy" // folder with the strategy files
HistoryScript = "Chart" // to be started with .t1, .t6, .t8
QuandlKey = "" // Quandl API key
AVApiKey = "" // AlphaVantage API key
EODKey = "62c82f06291f00.85809901" // EOD API key
IEXKey = "" // IEX API token
ZorroKey = "" // Zorro subscription token (if any)
Action = "History: -run History"
Action = "Chart: -run Chart"
Action = "Download: -trade Download"
Action = "TradeTest: -trade TradeTest"
Action = "Compile to Exe: -run -x"
Action = "Edit Zorro.ini: Notepad++\NotePad++!Zorro.ini"
Action = "Launch TWS: C:\Jts\tws.exe!"
Action = "Launch Gateway: C:\Jts\ibgateway\974\ibgateway.exe!"