So I'm trying to determine the range of the previous candle using priceHigh(1)-priceLow(1). I also figured I'd query the priceHigh(1) and priceLow(1) functions themselves. This is a sample of what I get for the AUD/USD pair on 5 min bars.

PreviousCandleRange 0
PreviousCandleHigh -1073741824
PreviousCandleLow 1073741824
PreviousCandleRange 0
PreviousCandleHigh -1073741824
PreviousCandleLow -2147483648
PreviousCandleRange 0

Now I'd expect a range of say 10 pips and priceHigh to be something like .7000 and priceLow to be something like .6990, not the massive numbers listed here.