Thank you for the advise.

In fact I've read these articles several times and couldn't get a good understanding,
After many languages I must be too old to understand well.

Anyway, I came up with a solution. I don't know if the best or correct one, but it worked.

Thank you again.

The code:

#define MAXGROUPS 5
char s1[50];
char* NamesGroups[MAXGROUPS][50];

function main()
string Ini_File = "...file.ini";
string ini_content = file_content(Ini_File);

printf("\nAssigning values");
for(i=0; i<MAXGROUPS; i++)
strcpy(NamesGroups+50*i, strtext(ini_content,strf("NameGroup%02i",i), ""));
printf("\n************** %s = %s",s1,NamesGroups+50*i);

printf("\nChecking values");
for(i=0; i<MAXGROUPS; i++)
printf("\n- NameGroup%02i = %s",i,NamesGroups+50*i);

The result:

Assigning values
************** NameGroup00 = StocksLong
************** NameGroup01 = StocksShort
************** NameGroup02 = BDRs
************** NameGroup03 = RV_ETFs
************** NameGroup04 = FIIs
Checking values
- NameGroup00 = StocksLong
- NameGroup01 = StocksShort
- NameGroup02 = BDRs
- NameGroup03 = RV_ETFs
- NameGroup04 = FIIs