Fixed and rewritten the script, now it works properly. It is just an enhancement of the original CSVtoHistory.

Please remember, to open the split files outside the Zorro/History folder you need to edit the Chart script.

// Bulk convert price history from .csv to .t6
// The Format string determines the CSV format (see examples)

//#define SPLIT_YEARS	// split into separate years
//#define FIX_ZONE	-1 // add a time zone difference, f.i. for converting CST -> EST

/* T6 Target format:
	DATE	time;	
	float fHigh, fLow;	// f1,f2
	float fOpen, fClose;	// f3,f4	
	float fVal, fVol;		// f5,f6

// HISTDATA line format: "20100103 170000;1.430100;1.430400;1.430100;1.430400;0"
//string Format = "+%Y%m%d %H%M%S;f3;f1;f2;f4";

// YAHOO line format "2015-05-29,43.45,43.59,42.81,42.94,10901500,42.94"
//string Format = "%Y-%m-%d,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6,f5"; // unadjusted

// TRADESTATION line format "06/30/2016,17:00:00,2086.50,2086.50,2086.50,2086.50,319,0"
//string Format = "+%m/%d/%Y,%H:%M:%S,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6,f5";

// STK line format "12/23/2016,2300.00,SPY, 225.63, 225.68, 225.72, 225.62,1148991"
//string Format = "+%m/%d/%Y,%H%M,,f3,f4,f1,f2,f6";

// CHRIS_ICE line format: Date,Open,High,Low,Settle,Change,Wave,Volume,...
// 2020-04-08,10.34,10.46,10.22,10.37,-0.01,10.32,54520.0,268936.0,4008.0,50.0,500.0
//string Format = "%Y-%m-%d,f3,f1,f2,f4,,,f6";

// MKTS Daily line format: Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume
// 02/28/2020,108.4,110,107.475,107.575,44239
string Format = "+%m/%d/%Y,f3,f1,f2,f4,f6";

// you should change this to your history location folder
//string Name = file_next("D:\\asset-data\\norgate-as-csv\\");
//string Name = file_next("C:\\QuantDataManager\\export\\");
string historyFolder = "D:\\Put\\Here\\the Path\\of your\\Personal\\History Folder\\";
string Csv = "*.csv";
char Path[0];
int a;

function writeTheFile(string InName) {
    if (!InName) return quit("No file");
    printf("Filename control: %s \n", InName);
    int Records = dataParse(1, Format, InName);
    printf("\n%d lines read", Records);
    #ifdef FIX_ZONE
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < Records; i++)
        dataSet(1, i, 0, dataVar(1, i, 0) + FIX_ZONE / 24.);
    #ifndef SPLIT_YEARS
    string OutName = strx(InName, ".csv", ".t6");
    if (Records) dataSave(1, OutName);
    printf("\n%s", OutName);
    int i, Start = 0, Year, LastYear = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < Records; i++) {
        Year = ymd(dataVar(1, i, 0)) / 10000;
        if (!LastYear) LastYear = Year;
        if (i == Records - 1) { // end of file
            LastYear = Year;
            Year = 0;
        if (Year != LastYear) {
            string OutName = strf("%s_%4i.t6", strxc(InName, '.', 0), LastYear);
            printf("\n%s", OutName);
            dataSave(1, OutName, Start, i - Start);
            Start = i;
            LastYear = Year;
    dataNew(1, 0, 0);

function run() {
    strcpy(Path, historyFolder);
    string Name = file_next(strcat(Path, Csv));
    strcpy(Path, historyFolder);
    strcat(Path, Name);
    bool breakLoop = false;
    while (!breakLoop) {
        Name = file_next(0);
        if (Name == NULL) {
        strcpy(Path, historyFolder);
        strcat(Path, Name);
    printf("success, %d files converted \n", a);
    return quit();

Any suggestions or adjustments are welcome. There might be a better way to handle strings, it's my first time with C.
I come from a world where
const a = "This is a string"
let b = a + "and this" + "is a string too"

grin grin

Don't poke the bear