[quote=Figurehunter]Alerts are possible with Zorro using email. I haven't measured the delay. These snippets are straight from the help file.

void main()
string To = "<me@myself.org>";
string From = "<zorro_alert@gmail.com>";
string Subject = "Zorro Message";
string Body = "Zorro has sent you a message!";
string Server = "smtps://smtp.gmail.com:465";
string User = "zorro_alert@gmail.com";
string Password = "zorros_password";

I have set this up exactly as indicated in the help file and above in a new script page without any code ie to test sending emails separately from any trading script. The setup is using a new Google account set up for this purpose.

After running it I get the message:
Email test compiling...ok, but no 0 or non zero returned.
Does anyone have any experience using Google - or Outlook that works?

Following up I tried to set this up using Runbox instead of gmail and changed maun to a function which when runs returns 1 ie says email sent but still no email for some reason.

Last edited by BigW; 01/15/23 00:55.