Hello, I am totally new to zorro-trader and always have huge problems with my variable declarations,
so I did restart from scratch this most simple test-script to simply show the date and time.

// Declare variables
int year = 2022;
int month = 3;
int day = 23;
int hour = 15;
int minute = 30;
int second = 0;

// Create datetime object
datetime myDateTime = date(year, month, day) + time(hour, minute, second);

// Print datetime object
printf("My date and time: %s", strdate(myDateTime));

Zorro 2.53.9 does throw, however following error:
Error in 'line 11:
syntax error
< datetime myDateTime = date(myYear, myMonth, myDay) + time((int)myHour, (int)myMinute, (int)mySecond); >.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Last edited by YesNotes; 03/24/23 03:28.