
I am making a research paper and looking for a way to easily change the input conditions to demonstrate the constancy of the investigated effect with massive input variations. To achieve this, I wanted to make a single file with the different versions that could store all the variables and changing parts of the code. It's not that simple, like changing just the main program, because the software is more complex, and I also extracted some functions that varies.

So I would make one single file that stores everything that varies, including variables and functions.
Like this:
#include <varies/v1.cpp>
and I can change it anytime for <varies/v2.cpp> or <varies/v152.cpp>

My problem is that there are some system variables that can only be defined in the main program before anything I call, for example, StartDate.
I would like to do something like this:

DLLFUNC void run() {

	if (is(INITRUN)) {

The initRunSetup() is defined in the <varies/v1.cpp> like this:

void initRunSetup(){
	StartDate = 20200101;
	EndDate = 20210101;

...and also other vars and functions that varies and used by the main software...

But it doesn't work. If I don't set up StartDate in the main program's main block, then nothing happens; it just uses the default values.
How can I achieve this?

Thank you!