Originally Posted by VoroneTZ
I check this with "pXcon_setwheel" example from gamestudio manual, works fine

//create trailer at 370 quants behind the player
ENTITY* car2 = ent_create("truck.mdl",vector(player.x-370,player.y,player.z),NULL);

 // add 2 wheels at 43 quants from center of trailer
ENTITY* tBLwheel = ent_create("buggy_rad1.mdl",vector(car2.x,car2.y+43,car2.z+13),NULL); 
ENTITY* tBRwheel = ent_create("buggy_rad1.mdl",vector(car2.x,car2.y-43,car2.z+13),NULL); 

 //add physx to trailer

 //connect trailer to player
pXcon_add ( PH_BALL, player, car2, 1 );

//connect wheels to trailer
pXcon_add ( PH_WHEEL, tBLwheel, car2, 0 ); 
pXcon_add ( PH_WHEEL, tBRwheel, car2, 0 );

Thank you, I will try laugh

Best Regards,

A8 PRO 8.47.1