Game details:

Your goal is to collect as many power crystals (those yellow-orangish things) as possible during the time limit.
Additionally, there are golems which walk on predefined paths (watch the small blue areas in the ruined village stage). You can kill them to increase your crystal count, but be careful - they are aggressive and can knock you down esaily.

By battling with other players you can win and lose crystals. How many crystals you get from your victim depends on your stamina amount (the yellow bar next to the player portrait). You also have the ability to block.

The special attack needs full stamina and triggers a 360° attack which knocks down every enemy player in range.

The second power bar (empty on these screens) shows ammo. Yes, there are weapons like homing lightning, bouncing acid shot and spread fireball.
I'm reworking the whole appearence of those special items once the level improvements are finished, then I can show some more shots.

To make everything more fun, there are special items hidden in boxes.
Which item you get can be random; sometimes the box content is fixed.
The items speed up movement, slow it down, rotate the camera angle, turn the screen upside down, share all crystals, equally, draw crystals from the enemy players, double the value of crystals or simply exchange the position of players.

Given all that, the gameplay can get very chaotic, as you never can follow the complete action.
I've argued a lot about that, because some people also see this as negative aspect (which I understand). Since I wanted a somewhat chaotic but fun gameplay, I decided to go a middle way. After adding computer players, I noticed that there is simply too much going on, so I increased respawn timers, which helped a lot.
The whole thing takes forever, but this has diffrent reasons...
1.) During summer, I don't have too much time due to my other hobby
2.) Tweaking takes a long time. It is difficult to find the right way between frustration and boredom.

When I have more to show I'll revamp the whole (outdated) game homepage. The info basically is there, but the screenshots are old.