allright! I played it now Itīs realy good, but lacking at some points here and there espacially gameplay wise.
- The time limit is a little annoying. I think itīs better in "wacked!" where you have to collect a certain amount of stars. If you hit an enemy he looses stars and you can collect them. If you "kill" an enemy he looses a lot of stars. Depending on the weapon you use to hit him the amount of lost stars changes. No stars ever leave the arena. That means there are for sure up to 500 stars on the screen. I think your arenas are more small as in "wacked!" so that shouldnīt be the problem
- the house in the first arena should become transparent as soon as someone is behind it (mapentity isntead of levelblocks).
- the player with the most crystals should be glowing (particle effect above his head) or something to mark him as best target
- the player should be marked from time to time, so I know where he is. Sometimes the yellow players looks like the green player.
- more and better weapons and the enemies should be pushed away by attacks

OK, thatīs what I think. Good work! EX Citer
