Hi guys,

probably a bit of topic, but i am working on implementing A* just with wdl. I started two days ago and now i am convinced it can be done and it will probably be pretty fast too. It all comes down to the question on how much data (nodes/states) A* has to search to find the shortest path. I startet implementing it with the Points of Visibility concept. The code so far finds all PoV's in a level and for each PoV constructs a datastructure containing the handles of all other PoV's this one can see .. I might make a tutorial but i am not sure yet cause my time is very limited. Of course, cause the goal was to implement it completely with wdl, the code reserveses around 200K of memory .... This can be improved much by using the SDK and C and dynamic memory allocation however this can be implemented later.

i will post on the progress i made but as i said it all depends on the time my regular job and my family gives me to do this ...

greetings Ronny