
It don't have to be a paint function. It could be a simple dialog where you enter the entity (or maybe a list of entities), a radius for a circular range, the number of entities and some ramdomize parameters, press enter and the function places randomly some entities.

Yes this could be done. I'll think about it. Maybe as Frank said. A Dialog in which you can choose:

- The used Entities (out of a List)
- numbers (how many entities will be setted)
- radius for the circle in which the entities are created
- maybe some parameters like assigned action

After pressing OK you see a cyrcle at the ground (with the given radius) and you if you click the entities are created in this cyrcle.

But please never forget, in a big level such an instruction will take a long time (3-10 seconds).
I have to edit the WMP and the $$M file for every entity.

But you're right. this would be very useful.

@hack-panther: Following steps are neccesary to inset the map editor in your game (at the moment):

1 (without material support).
- include <map_editor.wdl>>;
- Copy the needed files into your directory

2 (with material support)
- include <map_editor.wdl>;
- Copy the needed files into your directory
- Open the created materials.wdl and copy every material into it
- write //matstart over every material definition
material blubb

Sadly it is a bit more complex to insert the mat editor with materials (maybe i can remove the last step). But I think the effort is acceptable.


wie wird das ganze denn funktionieren?

(how will it work)

You play, press M freely adjustable) and the Map Editor will open. Maybe I'll implement a small button (if you want to) on which you can click.

The only requirements are: Skill8 and 70 (also adjustable ) of your Entites are reserved by the Editor, you have to do the steps above, and finally you must have >= A6 Extra
