You know what would be useful for texture work? The ability to select a particular face on a block and either show it alone in a window straight on or save a texture -sort of like how skins work in MED- when you have to paint a custom texture for an odd shaped block or series of blocks making a curve for example. Right now sometimes it is hard to get at a particular block or group of blocks and line it up just right in WED so I can save a screenshot, take it into PSP, resize it to the nearest texture size and then paint the texture and reapply it to that block or group, line it up to test it etc. So the ability to select, zoom camera so that one face or group fills the window, save screenshot would be cool. I could then place a quick texture, take a screenshot again and paint any changes right on this to get it to match perfectly with the geometry.

EDIT: Just as an example look at this example by OrangeBrat.

If I want to find the small decorative block over the door in the WED window, or the sides of the octagonal blocks that make up the sign, to paint a special texture it is hard to get a straight view of those sides without lots of camera work and hiding stuff.

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