added Copying entities, move modes for the arrows (scaling/rotating/moving), collision actiavtion while moving and almost finished the mass changes for entities.
But I have not much time atm (school, friends and a game project ) but of course I'll work on
One another good news.. The entity creating/changing (main part of the editor) is stable now.. Haven't got a crash in this part for the last week

Maybe I'll also implement some Physics Features and/or SkyBox Features.. But probably not in the first release.

@jtbullet Sory better write such posts in the shader forum and before read some c-script Tutorials.


PS: BTW before anyone mentioned it. This editor and IceX2 (or Oliver and I) are no rivals. This editor is for Ingame Editing, and changing parts of a Level - especially balancing and so on, but NOT for creating whole new levels. Olvers IceX 2 is for designing full new OUTDOOR levels. Not for changing entity skills etc. at runtime.
But of course from the build up 30% of the scripts are the same so we sometimes exchange some scripts for getting faster a better result

PS2: Btw.. The Name of the Editor is GameEdit