After a small programming pause i've implemted the multi-entity creation idea from frank and bupaje.. Generally you can change 3 settings. The number of the Entities which are created, the radius and finaly which entities. Tough with the Entity list also all settings (like barrel2.mdl has shadow activated) you've defined in these list are also used for the multi creation.

So for example the Multi-Creation tool can create 10 Barrels (barrel1.mdl) with shadow and 5 Barrels (Barrel2.mdl) without shadow.

Because some users also wanted to have a random parameter for each model I also implemented that idea.. Every Entity has a number which indicates how much per cent of the total amount of created models will be this specific model. If anyone is intrested here is the formula, that indicates how much "clones" of an specific model is created:

Number of Clones = (((Per-Centage Value of the specific Model * 100)/ All Percentage Values add together)/100 * Number indicating how much entities will be created at all)

At the end as alaways a screenshot:

suggestions and critizim as always welcome.

Planed features (to be programed in the next 2 weeks)
- "real" multi-selection. You wont only have a list where you can "multiselect" your entities but you can also select more than 1 entity in the main model window
- Model Editing (Painting on Skin and deforming)

The main problem is that i could implement unlimited features (particle editor, physics editor etc. etc.) but I wont be able to implementet all of these things.. We'll see what features will make it into the finished first version..


PS: I hope oliver foregives me the model theft