The interface looks very much improved.
Concerning the purchase of the product and/or concept by Conitec, I can read, but because I'm an a$$, ...congratulations TripleX.

WARNING: stinkingly obvious x-ing
In perhaps, the best of cases for some existing users, this may mean that, Conitec may use Game-Edit to boost sales of existing products, and thus, some users who technically own these existing products, minus Game-Edit, may receive Game-Edit at no further cost. This case is very user-friendly, but I think it is also very unlikely.

In perhaps, a much worst case for some, if not all existing users, Conitec may use Game-Edit to boost sales of A7 Pro, and thus, both existing users that don't own Pro and existing users of A6 Pro must purchase an upgrade to A7 Pro to use it. This would probably translate to some cost for most of the existing users that want to use Game-Edit, and a very significant cost for existing users of versions other than Pro that want to use Game-Edit. Alternately, Conitec could sell Game-Edit separately as an add on, but, such a policy may exclude it from being advertised as an additional feature to bring in new customers, unless, of course, it was only sold separately to existing users. It might seem that Conitec would receive the most bang out of the buck they spent for Game-Edit, by packaging it as an A7 Pro feature. Conitec is a corporate entity, trying to run a business, so I'll assume this case is likely. The next most likely case, may be that Game-Edit is included in sales of new products, but might be sold to existing users as an add-on.

Of course, this is speculation and the bulk of it should be tossed out with yesterday's junk mail.