I thought about GameEdit yesterday and got 2 ideas / questions:

1) As I could see you support deforming of terrain. But as far as I know it will not work with chunked terrain. What does that mean? Will you not support chunked terrain or will you simply disable the deforming tools when chunked terrain is selected?

2) Which version of GS will you support? Does GameEdit work with 6.31 or will it only run on 6.4 and higher? Many users have 6.31 projects and will not switch them to 6.40 because of compatibility issues. So it would be nice to have both. You could even sell the 6.31 version when that is the problem. At least I would be happy to get GameEdit very fast to work on my actual project on 6.31 and I really appreciate your great work that you have done so far.

Best regards,

Models, Textures and Games from Dexsoft