Triple X :

Conitec has realeased a patch :
but no trace of gameEdit in it ???

in previous Posts you said :

"Game.Edit COULD replace WED if you build up your level out of entities. Block Creation with GameEdit isn't planed so far (tough it would be a nice feature of course)
"when is it published, how mush is it, where can i download it? "
1) the conitec version will be published in the next 1-2 months.
2) The GameEdit Version by me will be published around 2 months later.
3) There's no price until now.
4) You'll be able to download it after you bought it
TripleX "

So what is doing Conitec ?

When will you have an official site for GameEdit ?

I'll buy it for sure !

(it's really what lakcs to 3DGS and what Conitec team isn't able to do !
they should hire you , and at high price ! )