Template-Edtor: Actually this is a Script-Modifier. With the Code you can change WDL's and test the result in realtime (the realtime actualizing of the changed variables/strings hasn't been programmed yet - must be done with a dll by doug/wladimier) Example:


// enable: print "debug output" for player on screen?
// id: 1
// define TRIGGER00_DEBUG;


// section: Passive Icon #1

// entry: Bitmap
// id: 14
bmap trigger00_picon1_bmp = <icon1.pcx>;


The code needn't be a template code. You only have to use the WDLV standards (as listed in the manual - comment tags).

The WDL is dynamically change. As I said, in futur the var's will be also change in the engine.

best wishes,
Timo Stark