well Loco, you gave it a good shot and I wish I could have gotten more level work done (I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I would have liked)..

Either way, I still have all the scripts and such.. and I may still hack away at it here and there.. just to see what I come up with (If I come up with something cool, I'll send you a few screenshots). Either way, as the saying goes, "Nothing Ventured means Nothing Gained"... and I would like to think that everyone involved with this hopefully walked away with at the very least a better understanding of what it takes to put together even just a small demo (Time, effort and planning, and dedication). I know it was kind of hard put from the get go with people leaving early on because they couldn't become masters of 3dgs overnight, or else because something in their lives came up...

It would have been nice if we could have seen this through though... and maybe one day, there will be a starting level


suprised my account is still active....